1. Definitions
The following terms in this disclaimer conditions have the following meaning:
1. Owner: Philip Crochet and/or its affiliates.
2. User: you or the end user of the Website.
3. Web site: www.cubicenter.eu and all other sites of owner and of its affiliates that are connected through links to the website.
4. Information: the content of the website and all information, images, trademarks, logos and icons relating to the owner and its affiliates, services and products.
2. Functioning disclaimer
1. On use of the Website is this disclaimer applies.
2. For the access to the Website is no compensation.
3. By contact and to keep up with the website user to this disclaimer.
4. Owner reserves the right to change this disclaimer. If the disclaimer is changed will be announced via the website. When the user continues to use the Website after notice of such adjustment, it shall be deemed to agree to the adjustment (s). It is the responsibility of the user to after notification of adjustment of the disclaimer this disclaimer by reading to take note of the changes.
5. If the user does not agree with the amended terms, then the user must immediately discontinue use of the Website.
3. Accuracy of Information
1. The Website and information on the Website is published based on data known to the administrator of the Web site. Website nor the Web site administrator can, however, guarantee or accept liability for the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information, or whether the information is appropriate for a particular purpose.
2. The user also acknowledges that certain information by third parties to the Web site is provided and that Website as a result can offer no guarantees of any kind regarding such information.
3. The owner seeks the Website as much as possible to make available to the public, but may at any time restrict or interrupt access to the site for maintenance and updates etc.
4. The Website may contain references or hyperlinks to other sites that are outside the domain of the owner. These are included for the information of the users of the Website and selected in good faith. The owner is not responsible for the content or availability of these sites or resources. The owner makes no warranty nor accept any liability for the content, data, opinions, declarations, software, products or other materials on such sites or sources.
4. Viruses
The owner cannot guarantee that the Website and the Website used for the servers are free of computer viruses and therefore assumes no liability.
5. Limitation of liability
The owner cannot be held responsible by the user on the basis of contract, tort, statutory duty or in any other absence, grounds for loss or damage of any kind arising out of or in any way connected with the use or operation of the Website, including, but not limited to, damages for loss on operating activities , loss of profit, interruption of business, loss of business information or any other form of pecuniary damage.
6. Intellectual property rights
1. Unauthorized or improper use of the content or parts infringe intellectual property rights of Owner which is internationally protected by laws and rules.
2. The parts of the Website are not permitted to copy electronically or otherwise except to the extent necessary to this website in a efficient way via the internet and to make use of the services offered on it.
Use of the content on this website, other than described above, permission for to be asked, before the displayed content or parts thereof in publicly accessible places to publish. Consent should be requested in writing to us.
7. Links
1. It is allowed to make hyperlinks to the Website, provided that the description is related to the topic of the page after which you refer.
2. It is not allowed a hyper link to the Website in such a way that an internet user to see your Web site in a frame of another internet page.
3. It is not allowed a hyper link to the Website in such a way that this disclaimer not directly or not fully visible.
8. Divisibility clause
If any provision in this disclaimer is declared void the effectiveness of the remaining provisions of these terms will not be affected. In case of invalidity of one or more provisions of these terms and conditions, the Parties shall be bound by rules of similar meaning as much as possible, which are not subject to nullity.
9. Other
This disclaimer is both in the Dutch, German, French and in the English language. If there is any discrepancy between the content and explanation of the Dutch and the English, French or German text of this disclaimer, the content and explanation of the English text for.
10. Applicable law
1. On the Website and use of this is Dutch law is applicable.
2. Any disputes can only be brought before the competent Belgian Court in the nearest arrondissement of Tongeren/in nearest district seen from the rank of the owner.